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Grievance Policy and Procedures


To provide guidance and direction to the process, handling and documentation of non-criminal grievance/complaints of individuals receiving services from All in All Residential Services.

An individual or family member shall be given an opportunity to present differences for resolution in writing to the All in All Residential Services that will be addressed within 5 calendar days of filing the grievance. Agency staff shall not retaliate against the person filing the complaint. An individual or family member is not required to transmit a complaint through the staff member who is the subject of the complaint.


Grievances, or any complaint, should be brought to the attention of staff. If you are not satisfied with the resolution of the grievance, you have the right to bring it to the attention of the Manager at any time. If the grievance is unresolved at this level, the client may request to file a formal complaint. Clients who have a grievance will be given the full assistance and cooperation of staff in preparing a written grievance. All in All will make all efforts to resolve complaints in a fair and timely manner.

  • Informal grievances: When a client has a complaint/grievance, it is important for All in All employees to make every effort to resolve the issue at an informal level, if possible. This can be done in numerous ways, such as: through team meetings, conflict mediation sessions with parties involved, modeling/encouraging the clients to utilize problem solving methods. If these efforts prove to be unsuccessful or impractical, a formal grievance process may be pursued.
  • Formal grievances: A formal complaint or grievance is initiated when the client expresses his or her concern in writing, either on the grievance form, or attached to the grievance form. The date the form is received by the first person in the sequence of management, is considered the day of receipt of the form, and thus the official submission of the grievance/complaint.

If the client needs assistance with the writing of the grievance, All in All employees will make every effort to assist the party in filing a written grievance.

The steps of the complaint process are presented for resolution in the sequence outlined below:

Step 1

  1. The aggrieved resident/individual or family member shall present this grievance in writing to All in All Residential Services program Director or designee. This shall be done no later than 3 calendar days after the individual or family member becomes aware that a difference exists. If the grievance is with the staff on duty, then with the workers immediate supervisor.
  2. The worker shall reply to the individual or family member in writing within 5 calendar days after it has been presented. If the individual does not refer the grievance to the next step (Director/designee) within 2 calendar days after receipt of the decision rendered by the worker, it shall be considered satisfactorily resolved.

Step 2

  1. At the request of the individual or family member, the grievance shall be referred to the Director. The Director shall respond within 3 calendar days.
  2. If the individual or family member does not refer the grievance to the next step within 2 calendar days, to the Chief executive officers (CEO) or designee, then the grievance shall be considered successfully resolved.

Step 3

  1. At the request of the individual or family member the grievance shall be referred to the CEO/designee
  2. 2.After the receipt of the grievance, the CEO/designee shall hold a hearing to resolve the grievance within 10 calendar days. The CEO/designee shall inform the individual or family member in writing of his/her decision within 5 calendar days of the hearing. The decision of the CEO/designee is final.
  3. A written explanation of the reason why the complaint has not been resolved within 30 days will be placed in the individual record.
  4. A written report of each complaint and the resolution will be placed in the individual record.

At each level, the manager who receives the form, will sign and date it on the date of receipt, and agree to attempt to resolve the concern within seven (5) working days. The manager will also attach in writing, their efforts to attempt to resolve the grievance/complaint. However, if All in All is not able to resolve the issue satisfactorily, the person filing the complaint/grievance is welcome to involve the regulatory agency or contract agency that oversees that type of program or department for example; The Department of Social Services.

Please contact the Program Director at 703-278-2475 with any questions about this Policy and Procedures.